The site
Site location plan (click to enlarge)
IM Land is considering submitting an application early next year for circa 130 new homes on land south of Westwood Heath Road, opposite the old Network Rail building.
The site is designated as Safeguarded Land in Warwick District Council’s Local Plan (policy DS21) as part of a wider area of land safeguarded for future development.
The area is an attractive place to live, with strong transport connections to the A46 and motorway network, as well as both Canley and Tile Hill railway stations’ connections along the West Coast Mainline. The proximity to large local employers, such as the University of Warwick and Jaguar Land Rover, and local services increases the demand to deliver high-quality homes in this location.
Demand and supply
Warwick District Council is required to bring forward sites for housing to meet its housing needs. The Council is required to maintain a five year supply of housing sites against its need. The Council cannot currently demonstrate a five year housing land supply, therefore it needs to bring forward sites such as this (which is recognised as being sustainable and well located given its safeguarded status) to increase its supply.
The future design work will use precedents from nearby existing buildings to reflect the architectural style of Westwood Heath and wider Warwickshire area. As part of the landscape strategy, the public open space will be designed in line with local policy, delivering parks, gardens and natural greenspace for existing and new communities.
The mix of bedrooms will range from one-bedroom to four-bedroom homes and will comply with local policies, which will be built 2 storeys in height and some will stand at 2.5 storeys, subject to a landscape assessment and local planning policies.
The future design work as part of any reserved matters will use precedents from nearby existing buildings to reflect the architectural style of Westwood Heath and wider Warwickshire area.
The main site access will face onto Westwood Heath Road to its north via a priority junction. At peak times, it is anticipated that there will be an increase of 100 vehicles movements. In the morning this will be approximately 70 movements exiting the site and 30 entering, with the numbers reversed in the evening. It is considered the impacts at any of the junctions along Westwood Heath Road would be modest any unlikely to require any direct mitigation.
Local transport connectivity will provide sustainable travel options, such as the 87 and 89 bus routes which run along Westwood Heath Road and provide direct access to Solihull and Coventry. For railway connections, Tile Hill railway station is located 1 mile from the site and offers regular services to Coventry, Birmingham New Street, Birmingham International, Northampton, Milton Keynes and London Euston.
The development will provide pedestrian and cycle facilities within the site linking through to the boundaries to ensure future connectivity to the wider safeguarded land. Discussions are taking place with both local councils regarding any wider contributions towards walking and cycling infrastructure.
In keeping with IM Properties Sustainable Futures Strategy, the new homes will be designed to the Future Homes Standard 2025, which will reduce their carbon impact and cut energy bills for future residents, whilst also having a positive environmental impact. The buildings will be powered electrically, with heating likely to be through air source heat pumps (ASHP’s) and a proportion of the energy demand from solar PV.
To facilitate active travel, the site will aim to include secure cycle parking and provision for a car club or cargo bike hire. To encourage travelling more sustainably, each new home will include an electric vehicle charging point (EVCP), helping with the switch away from petrol and diesel vehicles.
As the site is currently comprised of habitats of low ecological value, it is likely that a minimum 10% increase in biodiversity net gain is deliverable on site, without the need for off-site contributions.
The proposals seek to retain as much of the boundary hedgerows as possible, although some will be replaced by access points for vehicles and pedestrians. Semi-mature and mature trees will also be retained on the site where possible as part of the design.
How can I find out more and have my say?
Submit an online feedback form with your comments by clicking here.
Email the project team at
Call 0808 1688 296 to leave a message and a member of the team will call you back.
Register here for our public webinar on Tuesday 26th November from 6:30pm - 7:30pm via Zoom.
Visit our public drop-in event on Thursday 28th November from 12pm - 7pm at The Westwood Club, Westwood Heath Road, Coventry, CV4 8GP.
Please submit your feedback by Wednesday 4th December 2024, so that it can be considered before the plans are finalised and submitted as part of an outline planning application to Warwick District Council.