Frequently asked questions
Sections of Westwood Heath Road form the boundary between Coventry City Council to the north and Warwick District Council to the south. At this part of Westwood Heath Road, the site is in Warwick District Council.
Warwick District Council is required to bring forward sites for housing to meet its housing needs. The Council is required to maintain a five year supply of housing sites against its need. The Council cannot currently demonstrate a five year housing land supply, therefore it needs to bring forward sites such as this (which is recognised as being sustainable and well located given its safeguarded status) to increase its supply.
No, the site is not located in the Green Belt.
The development is not anticipated to negatively impact on local services. However, it is likely that planning permission may require some contributions be made to local schools and healthcare, if requested by Warwickshire County Council and Coventry and Warwickshire NHS Trust, respectively, which IM Land will commit to delivering.
Pedestrians and vehicles will access the site via a new priority junction on Westwood Heath Road.
Surface water flows will be managed using on site controls with all flows conveyed to an attenuation basin on the southwestern part of the site. Discharge rates will be restricted to below existing greenfield runoff rates to provide significant improvements, and all attenuation will cater for exceptional weather events, as well as climate change storm events.
There are no designated heritage assets near to the site with potential to be impacted by development proposals.
The former Network Rail College building on the northern side of Westwood Heath Road is a locally listed non-designated heritage asset. The setting and significance of this would be considered in the development proposals when brought forward, but the masterplan envisions no substantive impact on it. -
As part of any planning permission, a Construction Management Plan will be agreed with Warwick District Council which will minimise the effects of construction in conjunction with HS2 and other developments.
Do you have any additional questions?
Email the project team at
Call 0808 1688 296 to leave a message and a member of the team will call you back.
Register here for our public webinar on Tuesday 26th November from 6:30pm - 7:30pm via Zoom.
Visit our public drop-in event on Thursday 28th November from 12pm - 7pm at The Westwood Club, Westwood Heath Road, Coventry, CV4 8GP.